The Story of the Skulls

For 12 years, Deadringer has been crafting the world's finest custom skull rings and jewelry for collectors, rock-stars and celebrities, from our workshop in New Zealand.
The company began originally when The Artist was working in the factory for a major jewelry retailer, churning out the kind of thing you find at any mall chain jewelry store. The kind of stuff that uses the minimum amount of materials and craft and costs the maximum amount of money.
In his lunch breaks, The Artist would work on his own designs, until one day he plucked up the courage to show one of the buyers for the chain. They rubbished it, called it ugly and that no one would ever want to buy such a thing.
Dispirited, the Artist continued to work, growing more and more depressed at the bland and banal items he was required to produce in ever increasing numbers for decreasing amounts of money, until, finally, the factory closed - leaving the highly specialised employees without any work or prospects.
In a deep depression, The Artist turned to the solace and refuge of creating, expressing through his hands the sense of angst and sorrow at the years wasted in toil for a faceless corporation. The result of that dark time, was the very first Skull Ring. He showed it to his friends, who, amazed at the detail and quality, suggested he start selling them.
A decade later, and Deadringer is one of the finest Skull Ring producers in the world.
Deadringer represents the concept of Memento Mori. A call to the free-spirited people of the world who understand their own mortality. Time is limited and each of us in our own way must seize the day and live the life we want because soon we all must die.
For those who have experienced depression, or loss, or oppression - our rings are a reminder that you are not dead, not yet. Keep living, keep pushing, keep fighting, keep riding. You cannot choose the manner of your death, but you can choose the manner of your life.
Deadringer jewelry represents living true to yourself, using your strengths to offset your weaknesses and giving the finger to those who don't see your value.
All of our pieces are hand-crafted, original designs by master craftsman S R Gillespie. Each piece is unique and made for a specific individual. Our rings are carved, engraved and set with jewels by hand, for those who appreciate quality and artistic creativity.
We are not a manufacturing, retail or marketing company. We like to make unique objects that mean something in a world of throwaway junk. We make heirlooms.
When you buy from us, there is no sales department, no customer service desk. The phone rings - we pick it up. You write to us - that's us writing back. We make the best skull rings in the world for people who are the real deal, no costume jewelry, no fakes.
You will not find our work on any other site or in any other store - we sell direct so that we know exactly where our work goes. Our customers have become friends and a tribe that spans the globe- and that's the way we like it.
The products available on the site shop are previous designs that we have created for clients, available on order. Our specialty however is creating custom pieces working with you for the ultimate in unique, personal, heirloom-quality jewelry. If you can think it, we can probably make it. You will not find the equal of our quality or service in the world.
Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you want to join the tribe.